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Posts about sphinx

Simple Binder usage with Sphinx-Gallery through Jupytext

It's been a busy week for PlasmaPy. I recently found out about Binder support in sphinx-gallery. The latter is a package that we use to turn python scripts with comments into Sphinx pages and Jupyter Notebooks. I figured adding that could be a nice fit for our existing example gallery .

However, I quickly realized that the system in place is a bit unwieldy. Binder takes a link to an existing GitHub repository and executes .ipynb notebooks located there online. However, with sphinx-gallery, we don't have those notebooks in the repository - we have .py files with comments. The currently recommended way of setting this up with sphinx-gallery is keeping your built documentation in another repository and hosting it via something along the lines of GitHub Pages rather than ReadTheDocs, which we are currently using.

I added the results of this investigation to sphinx-gallery's docs, but I didn't want to switch away from RTD, so I figured I'd go ahead and find another way. I think I've got something that works well enough now!

Trigger warning: later on during this post, there may be monkeypatching of sphinx_gallery internals. Beware.

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