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Hi there! My name's Dominik Stańczak-Marikin and I'm currently a software developer working with data processing pipelines for neurodegenerative disease research at a large pharmaceutical company.

I previously worked at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion in Warsaw, Poland as a research software engineer, where I helped analyse data from Wendelstein 7-X, the currently (2023) largest stellarator in the world. I consider myself a recovering plasma physicist.

What I do in my spare time

  • help out with open source software projects such as PlasmaPy
  • tinker, script and automate
  • read books and learn lots
  • play games - classic RTSes made me who I am now. StarCraft II was a huge part of my life, but nowadays I mostly play Factorio with my wife and Heroes of the Storm to fulfill my competitive needs.
  • take care of our dog
  • write on my blog (see Posts on the left) to help people out and scratch the teaching itch
  • do some light biking and mountain hiking

Where to find me

In fact, if you've found this blog at all useful or enjoyable, there's no better way to express that (and make my day, too!) than to tell me about it!